About Me!

Me being one of the volunteer at the CyberX event, conducted by VITC and Chennai Police
After a stressfull day of work :(
Me being exicted for having fun with friends in auditorium
Me standing on stage at SmashingConf giving a talk about my optimism for the web

Months of Work Experience

Contributions in GitHub

Rank in HackTheBox

Microsoft Learn Student Ambassador

The passion I have towards technology, has bought me where I am now. From building and integrating full stack apps, running DevOps, and secure code analysis, I have pushed myself in every aspect possible for the benefit of the company or project I have worked upon.

I also conduct events, one notable mention is where I spoke about Azure Functions and App Service integration through VSCode virtually in front of 60+ members and receieved positive responses. Our club conducted many events, where I did some major contributions from dev till management.

And as a cybersec enthuiast, I like to hack stuff! I am into HackTheBox and HackerOne-CTFs and constantly improving myself there. And I have contributed to open source projects, such as The Tor Project

I am 2X Microsoft Azure Certified(AZ-900 and AI-900), completed Google Cloud Practitioner Course(7-8 badges), and also won a national level hackathon organised by Computer Society of India!

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